FileCloud’s Compliance Center

ITAR, HIPAA, and GDPR Compliance Support for File Storage and Sharing

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FileCloud for Compliance

FileCloud’s Compliance Center organizes FileCloud’s security and sharing features into one streamlined interface to support your compliance needs. System administrators can follow FileCloud’s built-in best practices suggestions for ITAR, GDPR, and HIPAA to apply the necessary security and sharing settings.

Simple Reports and Audits

Users can export settings for each compliance policy, along with a report on violations so teams can focus quickly on any issues to be addressed. Event logs can be saved for archival and governance purposes or shared with managers, CTOs, CIOs, and external parties for easy audits and reporting.

Save Time and Money

The Compliance Center makes navigating the complex standards easy. It lets you gather information at a glance, explore requirements (and how FileCloud can help you meet them), and toggle configuration settings with just a few clicks, saving you time, money, and effort.

FileCloud’s Compliance Center Helps Make Sense of Requirements

The Compliance Center is a powerful tool for compliance and IT managers. This interface clarifies and connects complex ITAR, HIPAA, and GDPR requirements with actionable policies and settings within FileCloud, allowing managers to see whether or not compliance regulations are met and fix any issues in minutes.

Admins can explore the different configurations in greater detail by clicking on the ITAR, HIPAA, or GDPR tab within the compliance center dashboard. Compliance requirements are listed in a table, along with FileCloud settings that address the requirement. The “Status” column confirms compliance or depicts the number of violations. The “Actions” column connects users with information and editing options.

Admins control which rules in the configuration to activate. Already have a solution in place for a requirement outside your FileCloud environment? No problem – simply bypass the rule in the “Actions” column.

ITAR Compliance Requirements

ITAR (United States International Traffic in Arms Regulation) compliance regulations provide guidelines on securing confidential information for companies involved in the manufacture, sale, or distribution of defense-related articles.

HIPAA Compliance Requirements

HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) is a federal law that requires certain standards and regulations to be met to prevent sensitive health information from being released without patient consent. Healthcare providers, plans, and clearinghouses, as well as business associates are required to meet these regulations to protect sensitive health information. e-HPI—or electronic is also subject to HIPAA protections, which is where FileCloud comes into play.

GDPR Compliance Requirements

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is a European data privacy law with regulatory requirements that affect anyone (including those who don’t live in the EU) who processes personal data or offers goods/services to EU residents. Any collected information must be secured, along with strict rules for consent, processing of data, and consumer requests for data.

FileCloud is the Ultimate Compliance Solution

FileCloud provides all the tools users need for document management, records retention, content classification, and file sharing. FileCloud offers security features such as data leak prevention, ransomware protection, FIPS 140-2 encryption, and more so you can have complete peace-of-mind and meet compliance standards for ITAR, HIPPA, and GDPR.

Powerful Features for Secure Compliance

FileCloud incorporates sophisticated security and sharing features like custom metadata, Smart Classification, and DLP capabilities.

For example, metadata tags can be created for defense articles and technical data, which are then applied to documents using Smart Classification. DLP rules connected with the Classification Engine ensures that no files with this metadata can be publicly shared.

FileCloud’s Compliance Center also connects admins with SSL, encryption, and audit settings to provide multi-tiered security protections. Informational rules like “Confirm all users are US residents” provide useful prompts for system admins to confirm regulatory requirements are met.

Regulatory processes are a critical aspect for both private and public sector organizations. FileCloud is responding to this emerging technical landscape by developing integrated and streamlined tools to support IT admins and compliance managers.

FileCloud Features for Compliant File Sharing

End-to-End Encryption protects data in transit.

FIPS 140-2 Encryption secures files and data at rest.

Remove Public Access to prevent file access to external parties.

View-Only Access to restrict sharing access (no downloads, editing, or deletion).

Smart Content Classification applies automated metadata for better organization and security.

Smart Data Leak Prevention provides protection throughout the data lifecycle.

Strong Login Security requirements set by admins minimizes login security risks.

Remote Wipe protects user data in the event of lost/stolen devices


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FileCloud Technologies Limited
Hamilton House 2,
Limerick, Ireland